Wet dust collector systems are specifically designed to collect dust in a water filter, providing a safe way to handle combustible or potentially explosive dust. Wet dust collection systems are widely used for Aluminum, Magnesium or Titanium alloys, or for mixed metals, such as grinding on both Aluminum and Steel. With many years of experience in the application of wet dust collection systems, Clean Air Consultants can help you meet relevant codes and standards, and assure safe handling of combustible dusts.

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Types of Processes: Sanding, Grinding, Buffing, Polishing, Deburring

Example Industries: Aircraft Manufacturers and Airlines, Military Base Maintenance Operations, Medical Implants, Metal Enclosure Manufacturers

Contaminants: Aluminum, Alkali Metals, Magnesium, Tantalum, Titanium, Zirconium, or Mixed Metals; Heavy Sparks from cutting, grinding, or gouging on Steel

Possible Solutions: Wet Dust Collector, Wet Dust Control Booth, Wet Downdraft Table